Chess and Other Prominent Board Games Available On MPL’s App


Now we all know that the application store on your smartphone is home to a few million games of all kinds. Platformers, puzzle games, card games, arcade games, and, not to forget, board games, the app stores have them all. But most of these games are standalone, so whenever you want to indulge in a new kind of game, or perhaps a specific one, it involves downloading it to your phone.

But what if you could play games across genres on just one application? The MPL app fits the bill as it offers multiple games across different categories under one roof. Their vast collection includes all your well-appreciated board games that have been around for eons. As the Discover Magazine says, when you bring home a board game, you are taking a leaf out of history as their origin can be traced back to the Neolithic Age between 6000 to  10000 years ago.

1.   Speed Chess:

As a game, chess needs an introduction. And even as two individuals take their opposite seats to begin a game of chess, the concentration on their furrowed faces betrays the intense nature of the game. Onlookers would be forgiven for thinking a war of sorts was brewing. After all, the design of the chess pieces and the gameplay remind one of a war-like scenario. With the objective being to capture the opposing king by checkmating him and simultaneously protecting yours, victory in this game is usually hard-won.

If you wish to indulge in chess without devoting a significant chunk of time, MPLs Speed Chess would be a perfect choice. Also known as Blitz, Speed Chess has a three-minute time limit for each player to make their move, and every move gets you an extra two seconds. Keeping your eye on the clock is vital; should time run out, it’s curtains for your game.

2.   Ludo:

Imagine yourself chasing your siblings and friends across the ludo board as you form plans to steal victory for yourself. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? While the old ludo board provides considerable fun, why not give the MPL Ludo version a try? Be sure to have a ludo game strategy before you get down to playing the game online, as even though luck has a significant part to play, some amount of planning is required as well. Ludo Dice and Ludo Win are two game versions playable on the MPL app.

While the Ludo Dice caters specifically to players looking for a bit of nostalgic fun with its traditional gameplay, Ludo Win attracts those looking for an interesting departure from the usual way of playing. Ludo Win is a variant with only three tokens on board and is time limited. Moving the coins gives points, as does eliminating player coins and taking your own across the finish line.

3.   Snakes & Ladders:

Before getting into the gameplay, let’s talk about the board for a bit. The board is a numbered grid with squares from 1-100 having depictions of snakes and ladders. Some copies of the game have more cartoonish depictions of the snakes. Others, like the American version called chutes and ladders, have ditched the snakes entirely and, as the name suggests, replaced them with chutes.

This was done to make it more child-friendly. The player has to navigate their chosen piece from start to finish with the number of steps they can move controlled by rolls of the dice. On the way to the top, the players are aided in their journey by ladders and hindered by snakes. It is a simple game with no elements of strategy involved making for a tranquil and carefree playing experience, something not all games offer.

4.   Carrom:

Carrom, otherwise also referred to as Carrom Board, has anything between 2-4 players pitted against each other on working in cohesion as pairs to get the better of their opponents. Carrom has quite a few things in common with games such as pool, snooker, or billiards –  minus the cues, of course. Here the cues are replaced by a striker, usually between 3.8 to 4.4 cm. Strikers may be made of bone and ivory, and their weight varies up to four and a half times the weight of the regular pieces. The board by itself is always square-shaped and made of wood, measuring either 72 cm or 74 cm all around. In place of the colored balls in pool, carrom uses coins that resemble little discs.

These are in three colors, black, white, and red. The red disc is the queen and placed at the board’s center, with the black and white discs surrounding her. The black and white discs are placed alternatively. The Queen has the most value at twenty-five points, while the black and white discs are worth five and ten points, respectively. The idea behind Carrom is to claim victory by pocketing a greater number of pieces than your opponent. Pocketing the queen early would help you win the game even if you collect fewer coins. With an adequate display of tenacity and sufficient practice, you can pull off a win relatively easily and become further adept at the game.

As a gaming platform, MPL boasts categories apart from just board games, including fantasy, cards, puzzle, arcade, and sports games. This platform is truly one of a kind and will cater well to all the whims and fancies of those looking to play on the move on their latest smartphones.

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